Wednesday, January 21, 2015
School school school.
Tutorials. Projects. Practicals. Assignments. Lectures.
Sigh someone just save me from school.
Two more weeks. Just two more weeks and then there comes the holidays. The freaking semester break. I have hit a slump again. It's like one of those days where I don't know why I'm here in this path being forced to do something I don't want to for the sake of good grades. I miss everyone. I miss my mum. I miss my annoying brothers (even though I see them like all the time). I miss my friends. I miss seeing them laugh and being so carefree towards everything. I miss the joy of living.
I keep telling myself it will all be worth it in the future but then, what about now?
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Missing mum Man I will really miss mum even though she's going for only two weeks. More fearful on the part where Paris is currently filled with terrorist acts. Sigh I hope she will come back safely. I really don't know what I would do without her. She's been my guidance to everything since forever: life-decisions, family, friends, school, my own self. It's been 10 years since she started raising me and my three brothers with her own hands. It was a horrible phase in the first few ones and I really hope I won't have to go through that ever again. I am openly grateful for her and try my best not to go against her. She's beautiful, intelligent, warm, loving and so many else. And I'm really happy for her to get fly to places she's never been but with the situation right now, I am terrified. But all will go well, Insya-Allah. Praying for her safety every single day she's there.
"Ya Allah, jauhkanlah ibuku dari setiap musibah yang berada semasa dia luar negara. Aku mohon kepadamu Ya Allah."
Suhailah. 18.